3000th thread - How'd you get your username?


Staff member
Just wanted to be the one to post this. :headbang:

I got my username from the way I am... I am furious. :headbang:
LOTR - needed a nick.

All the weeners took Gandalf or unoriginal names like that.

I took the horse.
You know about the green part, and my old friend used to tell me I'm such a freak all the time.

Boring, I know. But I stick with what works. :)
Friends at school started calling me Nix (my real name is Nicole) and then people online (I think fury was the first) started calling me Nixy. So, now at some places I am Nix and other I am Nixy.
the ultimate shocker:

My name's just an easy name to joke about, I just picked it right after my nose. :rolleyes:

LL, watch out for those cockroaches.

Les, I wanna know about your sig, it's kind of, um, weird, I guess, to me. :confuse3:
Ok, my wife started calling me that a couple years ago, since then, I started a business, The Puter Tutor, do it on the side. Damn web space is already taken though.


There's a couple of you in Indiana, go knock her out for me, would you. Her page pushes the Comet Cursor for gods sake.
I was in a hurry to register at HWC and ask something about my failing K6-2. As I was out of creativity I thought of stealing the name of a song. It came to mind David Bowie's AlladinSane and Cure's JupiterCrash. I opted for the former which happened to be a good choice. I would probably heve been confounded with Jupiter 4/5 and be bashed for free :)
Mhhhh, lemme see...... I think I was playing UT, running around like an idiot, needed a nickname, so I used 'Psycho'. I've used Psycho or PsychoMark ever since...
Oooooohh....I get it now!

Just - in - time...haha :D


Disclaimer: I'm not THAT stupid, I got the joke a long time before...honestly..[/siz]