Has anyone tried IE8 much?

I had some trouble with IE so I upgraded to 8 thinking it would resolve some issues. It actually did, but my experience so far is that it is the slowest browser I have ever seen. It takes at leas 5 times as long to open as Firefox (I use both) and though I don't have both obviously it is longer than IE7 I am sure. What gives with the slowness?
Well there are some pages I find behave better in IE than Firefox, most are fine with FF but I keep IE for those few.
You can get a plugin for FF that brings IE up in FF. This way you will never have to touch IE again. ;) (I use it for the Netflix site, but that's about it.)

Oh, and "no" I have not used IE 8.
I use Chrome for streaming baseball games over the internet (it handles flash better than Firefox) but otherwise, I'm no fan of Chrome's interface (mainly because I'm used to firefox and learned on Netscape, IE before 7, etc. and didn't like the interface on IE7 either).
I removed 8 and went back to 7, it just was so slow! I have like a 2.5Ghz Athlon X2 4GB of Ram and a GeForce 8800GTS in this box, you would think IE8 would be good with that! I am using the Mac more because I want to understand it better, but I like my computer room dark with only a black light, so since I am not a proper typist, I have illuminated keyboards but one got wet and had to dry out a while, and much as I am beginning to be OK with the Mac if I have to only have one it has to be the PC since all my stuff is on it. Silly Mac only has a 160GB drive, and I probably have a good 500GB of stuff I use all the time. I suppose I could use my USB external or learn to network the two, but anyway IE8 problems solved, IE8 gone!
Just from hearing good things here I have just tried Google's Chrome, and it is an adjustment, but I have never liked a browser mere, nor seen one faster! I simply LOVE Chrome!
Chrome's my default browser on my laptop. If I find a site that I absolutely have to use that doesn't play nice with Chrome, then I open up IE.

Edit: Or I might open up Firefox, I don't remember if I installed it as backup or not. I'm not typing from my laptop right now.
Well my enthusiasm for Chrome has cooled a bit. Some text entry boxes have issues, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to organize my bookmarks, (I can't get them how I want them in Firefox either). One major awesome feature in IE, is all you have to do to alphabetize is right click and sort by name, Firefox is more difficult but can be fairly easily done, yet my trouble with Firefox is I cannot get it to keep the folders at the top or bottom and the general links! Also organizing them in IE is very easy and intuitive, for Firefox I am gonna have to read the directions or ask someone, which is just stupid. Chrome is worse in this area. Organizing bookmarks should be a near brainlessly easy thing! This is why I still like IE to some extent slow as it is.
I've got some that require support, and they won't use anything else.
MS has many people brainwashed because of the lobby.
Some are just too apprehensive about learning new things.

so I try to stay up on it for um.
Well my enthusiasm for Chrome has cooled a bit. Some text entry boxes have issues, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to organize my bookmarks, (I can't get them how I want them in Firefox either). One major awesome feature in IE, is all you have to do to alphabetize is right click and sort by name, Firefox is more difficult but can be fairly easily done, yet my trouble with Firefox is I cannot get it to keep the folders at the top or bottom and the general links! Also organizing them in IE is very easy and intuitive, for Firefox I am gonna have to read the directions or ask someone, which is just stupid. Chrome is worse in this area. Organizing bookmarks should be a near brainlessly easy thing! This is why I still like IE to some extent slow as it is.
