Recent content by tadrlz

  1. T

    Concerning Iraq...

    People, or should I say, defective hominids, are not capable of civilized behavior for any extended period of time. This hominid species will eventually destroy all life of this planet. It is quiet interesting how some of you, inferior products, think that anything can be fair and unbaised...
  2. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    Hi I am going to make this as simple as i can. The inability of a single person to hear sound does not mean that sound does not exist, It only means that some people cannot hear it. You have not seen Christiana Agarlar twat, but it does exist. You have not seen Siberia but it exist...
  3. T

    Concerning Iraq...

    I believe that killing those that oppose you has always been the standard operating procedure so how can anyone expect hominids to be fair, unbaised, and non-agressive. It is the nature of the human species to kill, kill, kill....Carbon-based, bio-plasmic life forms are inferior products and...
  4. T

    do you smoke?

    Your comments were insightful UnknowN_PT. Too bad your spelling leaves much to be desired. Plz do not take it personal. ha :swing:
  5. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    Oh man....we seem to have to intelligent individuals here. I did not expect anyone to have knowledge about String Theory. The dimensions dilemma has been solved. It can become complicated to explain especially when I am just an simple person trying to understand my surroundings, so I will not...
  6. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    Statements such as, "How many roads must a man walk before he can become a man?" are rethorical in nature and therefore are not scientific; hence, there is no correct answer as it reflects disassociated thought patterns. There is no relationship between two distinct concepts. Specifically...
  7. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    Will someone please give the defination of the word "riddle". I remember in Batman that they always solved the riddle just in the nick of time. I believe that riddles do have an answer but the answer requires abstract reasoning. The ability to derive an acceptable solution from limited...
  8. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    I believe that semantics play a role in the different interpretations that we obviously have been communicating. PCBuilder gave an informative defination in which I would sumbit that this so-called enigma is only one due to the lack of understanding. Of couse, we all believe that we are...
  9. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    Bungi: What is a hallucination, in your opinion plz? People have seen UFOs, ghosts, and other abnormal fantasies and delusions that do not exist. Humans are merely observers in this universe. Although hominids may alter nature, it will occur with or without us, such as the sound of a tree...
  10. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    Quatum physics is the study of the smallest of matter such as atoms and their orbital particles such as neutrinos and positrons etc. Even smaller matter are made up of strings , referred to as String Theory, which enable everything to be consolidated into one mathametical equation. Einstein was...
  11. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    This is a good thread because some of us are learning to view life from the third person. Antichrist dude has perfect observation skills. There is a difference between the physical world in which we live and how any living creature may interpret what they experience. Reality is what one...
  12. T

    A riddle without an answer....

    When a tree falls in the woods, there will always be a sound due to friction, sound waves and the reality of our physical world. Whether any other living being is around is completely irrelevant. word :swing:
  13. T

    Lets play word association

  14. T


    Spy on me Will someone plz spy on me just to c what happens. No sabotage please.:swing:
  15. T


    sorry to interrupt u have certs plz such as A+, CCNP, MCE just wondering thx