This should head off the vitriol


Well-Known Member
It seems that those who are ignorant of history are once again on the trail of Sarah Palin.

It seems that the experts on Paul Revere's moment in history have sided with Palin on her account in which she stated that he warned the British that night.

He did.

It seems that she and the experts are the only ones who seem to know it.


Even the L.A. Times, that rabid bastion of Conservatism, is on her side.

she happened to stumble across a thing or two that could be qualified as accurate if one were desperate for her to be right. the fact of that matter is that she delivered a rambling bunch of bullshit and is an ignorant fuckwit.

there's no vitriol. just dumb.
dennis rodman makes more money than i do too. maybe you want him for president?

i have no student loans. i'm as much a tightwad as you in many ways.

yes, she is stupid.
It seems that those who are ignorant of history are once again on the trail of Sarah Palin.

It seems that the experts on Paul Revere's moment in history have sided with Palin on her account in which she stated that he warned the British that night.

He did.

It seems that she and the experts are the only ones who seem to know it.


Even the L.A. Times, that rabid bastion of Conservatism, is on her side.


Actually, I would have been impressed with Palin if she knew it was Israel Bissell who went on that historic ride, not Paul Revere.
yes, she is stupid.

Let's presume, for the sake of argument, that she gets the nod.

We're going to spend 4 (8) years listening to you guys piss & moan about her just like you did GW, with exactly as much substance.

You may disagree with many of the arguments against Obama but it sure as shit isn't crap like "yes, she is stupid.". That is what created Obama.
so , what, we'll go one stupider with palin? please. i knew more about the world from 8th grade geography class than she does now.
He should be. minx needs a candidate he can get hope & change from.
nah i'm just looking for someone who is loyal and dumb. don't want nothing too challenging. just the standard chants.
As I've pointed out....we've had mostly Harvard grads for about 2 generations (sans Reagan) & look at the mess we're in.

We need a leader who has values & convictions, ethics & principles. The grad stuff hasn't helped.
either that or it's actually a really hard job.

even brilliant people fuck things up. dumb people fuck things up more.

i don't think you have much appreciation for the kinds thinking and decision making that a president (or anyone else in a leadership position in a big organization) needs to execute.

but, then again, considering where you are at, how could you?

having someone dumber in office really does not help with complex decision making. not everything is as obvious as you think it is.
This is not our American

Ya'll try to make the argument the issues
are too complex for the average person to comprehend
as a means to obfuscate your evil intentions?

values & convictions, ethics & principles?

The current resident of the white house has a set of values alright
they just aren't those held by the majority of Americans.

Sarah is only doin' the candidate thing for more publicity
she's making money hand over fist(ing).