Digital clock

Stop Laughing

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This is the face of a digital clock (or watch). Notice there are a total of 23 lines/lights in there. Obviously at no point during the day are all 23 lights on, there is no 18:88 time. Anyways, when changing from one minute to another, the number of lights that are on may change, for example when it goes from 12:23 to 12:24, it loses one light, a '3' has 5 lights and a '4' has 4 lights. so it loses one. What is the highest number of lights lost when changing from one minute to another in a 12 hour period (only 1 to 12 o'clock, military time doesn't count), and how often does it happen in that 12 hour timeframe? Also note that the corners on the numbers are not part of this question either.
You lose 4 and it is from 12:59 -> 1:00 and from any hour to one minute after the hour and from 9 minutes past to 10 minutes past any hour...thus losing 4 occurs...50 times in a 24 hour period
Nixy, you're very close, 12:59 to 1:00 is one, and from :09 to :10 is right, and from 0 to 1 is right, you just haven't totaled it all up right yet. Also, I asked for a 12 hour period, not 24, but 50 is still too low, even for 12 hours.