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  1. unclehobart

    gut check

    Who still checks in here? We should invisitalk more often. Secret conversations are usually the juiciest.
  2. unclehobart

    Looking for error?

    She's not here anymore. The death threats bought her an instant ticket to ban-land. I kicked the rant thread into a protected area so that noone else would be subject to that kind of filth.
  3. unclehobart

    The worst crisis to ever hinder mankind!

    Fuking bastards! Hike oil if you must!... Censor TV... use the constitution for toilet paper... but LEAVE BEER ALONE!
  4. unclehobart

    This is about dumbasses... not scouts.

    This FoxNews link:,2933,303420,00.html has a basic error in it that absolutely irks me to no end. A hot mug of coffee and a cookie awaits the first to spot it.
  5. unclehobart

    Sucks to be in Atlanta

    The sports industry in Atlanta sure is hot... not The 1-5 Falcons have benched QB Harrington in favor of Byron Leftwich. I don't know why the QB is being blamed when the entire receiving core has been going through a mental block stage and dropping passes left and right. They are demoralized...
  6. unclehobart

    On the Security Council?!

    Lybia gets seat on powerful UN security council after being backed by all of the African contingent. US offers no opposition. Things must have really thawed on relations over there... or we cut a Devils deal in the past for the plane bombers of Lockerbie.
  7. unclehobart

    Happy BoP Day birthgirl!

    Or is it the day after your birthday? Damn these time zones.
  8. unclehobart

    timeout issues

    I'm having major lag issues with OTC today. I'm facing 10 second+ pageloads as well as 1 or 2 gateway timeouts. Is it happening to anyone else?
  9. unclehobart

    School MD

    Now that school is back in session, Tonks and I have been trading colds back and forth like mad. Neither of us have felt worth a damn for a week now... and Tonks back even further than that. This is our busiest time of year and we really can't take a break. Damn those 1200 kids gathering...
  10. unclehobart

    11 days, 6 hours

    ...until the forum becomes 2000 days old! happy birthday forum!... at least in a centigrade sense.
  11. unclehobart

    another football injury

    I'm watching the Colts/ Texans game live and there was another kickoff return style major injury. One of the Texans went down like he was shot after a major collision. I don't know who it is offhand. Everything is at a standstill while about 9 medics immobilize him.
  12. unclehobart

    The dumbest effing thing I have ever heard

    The ONLY reason this dumbass can file this trash is because he has more rights behind bars than he would in general society. They are required to put all of this wasteful crap through. If you or I tried it, we would be jailed for wasting the courts time, our lawyer would be disbarred, and we...
  13. unclehobart

    New member of the uppity-up club!

    It got by us all somehow... but sometime yesterday: Tonks has joined the 20,000 post club! :eek5: :cake: :toast:
  14. unclehobart

    the end is neer!

    Something along these lines: poking a bear with a stick :is my prediction for the eventual end of mankind.
  15. unclehobart


    Has IE7 had enough of its bugs steamed out enough to bother upgrading to it? I've been a holdout.
  16. unclehobart

    Nix... your engineering thoughts please

    This is about the West 35 Interstate that collapsed in downtown Minneapolis on August 1st. The bridge was being worked upon for various undisclosed reasons and then collapsed into the Mississippi River. It was an arch truss style bridge that ran for 1,900 feet...
  17. unclehobart

    GPod vibrator

    Well... that ought to make boring meetings a little more lively.
  18. unclehobart

    Football is on the horizon

    American football, that is. The preseason kicks off in about 10 days time and real action is 5 weeks away. Right now my love/hate relationship with the Falcons is turning to a nightmare. Vick is out; Joey Harrington is in. Warrick Dunn (running back) just had back surgery and is expected to...
  19. unclehobart

    internet comics

    Anyone read internet comics? Post links to your favs. Suburban Tribe
  20. unclehobart

    L337 Granny! Holy Hanna, Batman!